Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Using modern technology in teaching English
as a foreign language
to improve the 4 skills
The world began to change and the classroom environment has changed from many years ago. Even the students’ minds concerning the modern technology have changed and these aspects of modern technology have become part of their daily life. We believe that the computer plays an integral part in providing students with valuable language experience as they learn a new language .Not only the computer but also the different aspects of modern technology began to play an important role in our lives. So, why don’t we make the best use of this modern technology to improve our students’ levels on English? Why don’t we make the best use of it to attract our students ‘attention and encourage them to involve in the educational process to make it student-centered teaching.
Aims: Using modern technology to improve the 4 skills reading, listening, writing and listening.

What are the aspects of modern technology?
Cell phones
The internet
Web sitesThe computer
Electronic magazine
Blog-for me and for Ss

How can we apply these methods in teaching English?
Cell phones to improve speaking and writing skills.
Activity 1: I will ask my students to leave a voice mail message on my cell phone informing me about their full name and address. The message has to be understood or they are going to repeat it.
Activity 2: To improve reading, listening and writing skills. I can use also the cell phone .I will divide the class into 4 groups and ask each group to write to the other group a message.
After sending messages. Each group reads the message of the other group in front of the class. I will have the chance to correct their mistakes.
The computer
1- The Internet:
The internet is a huge source for all branches of knowledge.
Activity 1: I divide the class into 4 groups. I divide the task on the groups. I direct them to log onto the internet to find the information related to the topic. At the end the groups will complete each other.
Activity 2: Using live data about (stock market, sports or weather) from reliable internet sources .Students develop questions, analyze and make explanatory graphs and charts software.
Student can use /
1- Websites: I can use websites to improve the 4 skills especially writing
Activity 1: I have my website or blog .Through this way .I gives the students the chance to publish their work and comments. Through this way they can improve the writing skill.
They can make their account on the site /
http://www.blogspot.com/ Activity 2:I To improve speaking and listening skills . Prepare my podcasting account then I will ask my students to use a cell phone to video tape interviews with the headmaster and other teachers .Also ,I will ask students to use their mobile phones to prepare a short video about themselves their experience their habits their favourite sport or anything else…
They can make their account on the site /
To develope the skill of writing they can register in this site

2-Electronic magazine:
To improve the reading and writing skills
Divide the class using team work. Make each group in charge of a certain section in the magazine.This magazine can reflect their daily life events. It can contain news about the school
Microsoft office publisher program
4-Movie maker:
Ask students to record anything using their creativity .

Ahmed Abdelaziz
Teacher of English
My blog/ afriend4ever.blogspot.com /


Thank you

Activity 1: 2 minutes to write the message
1-group 1
Your job is to send Baerbel a message why you were late for the bus to Washington Dc .
Your job is to send Baerbel a message why you didn’t finish your assignment .
2- Group 3
Your job is to send Baerbel a message to thank her for her advice ( you have a map and a mouth).
3- Group 4
Your job is to send Baerbel a message to give you a permission not to attend the afternoon’s session.
4- Group 5
Your job is to send Baerbel a message to bring a telephone set and an iron for the group .
5- Group 6
Your job is to send Baerbel a message to tell her how you are lucky to be here in Delaware.
Activity 2: in 2 minutes
Have an interview with a person in your group. Using your cell phone.